Sunday Rewind: Key experience indicators for product managers by Tomer Sharon

What are key experience indicators and how and when do you use them? This week’s Sunday Rewind gives you the lowdown

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This week’s Sunday Rewind is a 2020 ProductTank New York talk from Tomer Sharon, then Head of User Research and Metrics at Goldman Sachs, in which he explains the principles and thinking behind key experience indicators (KEIs).

KEIs are quantitative scores for specific, important, and actionable phenomena related to using products or services. They are used after product launch and can be useful in helping teams move from launching products to landing them.

The principles of using KEIs are as follows:

Specific vs overall. Measure very specific things vs the overall satisfaction or engagement of a product.

In context vs out of context. Find the right people at the right time, in the right place.

Core vs perimeter. Only measure your core experiences.

The Google HEART framework focuses on happiness, engagement, adoption, retention and task success. Tomer uses this framework to provide some key metrics that product people should focus on.

Watch the original talk: Key experience indicators for product managers by Tomer Sharon