November Roundup: Prioritisation, Hiring and Development, OKRs and More

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This November, our membership content covered topics like prioritisation, hiring and development, and OKRs. But members were also treated to the month’s #mtpcon Digital keynote talks and more. Read on for a recap and, if you’re not yet a member but would love in on the action, you can check out our membership plans today.

How Successful Product People Develop

In Product Coach, Shaun Russell’s #mtpcon Digital talk, he uses real-life examples to illustrate how product people learn and explains why some product managers develop faster than others.

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Perhaps there is also ‘Productgefühl’ or ‘Product feel’ – the instinctive, intuitive grasp that we have for product management, the product that we’re working with, and our relationship towards it. Shaun Russell

Scaling Product Teams: In Defense of Process

In this November 2020 #mtpcon Digital keynote, Spectra (Adaora) Asala, GM and VP Product, Soapbox at Wistia looks at how you can use process to translate ambiguous challenges into accessible playbooks as your organisation scales.

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Tech and the New Normal

Benedict Evans, an Analyst and former Partner at Andreessen Horowitz, uses his #mtpcon Digital keynote to analyse the huge impact the Covid-19 crisis has had on the technology sector, demonstrating how acceleration and experimentation are destructively ushering in a new normal.

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You can’t just presume cool stuff comes from Silicon Valley anymore. Everyone is going to be creating companies and products everywhere. Benedict Evans

Benedict Evans speaking at mtpcon
Benedict Evans speaking at #mtpcon

Watch the 2020 #mtpcon Digital Keynotes

If you weren’t at #mtpcon Digital this month where are the above talks took place, or if you were but fancy watching a talk again, we made catching up easy with this release of our keynotes including talks from Mary Poppendieck, Marty Cagan, Asha Haji, and more incredible product leaders.

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Prioritisation for Product Managers: Are we Doing it Right?

We asked 55 Product professionals to share their thoughts and frustrations on the process of prioritisation. In this extended report, discover the top frameworks, challenges, tips on creating a bespoke framework for your team, and share your own thoughts in our open discussion board.
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The Impact of Covid on Product Managers and the Products They Build

Speaking to a number of experienced product professionals, we take a look at how the Covid pandemic has changed product management and whether these changes are likely to be long-lasting, even permanent.

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As a result of COVID-19, many people are shopping online for the first time (Image: Shutterstock)

Where Does Product Fit? What’s Being a CPO Really Like?

Zoopla’s CPTO Dave Wascha shares his take on the reality of the CPO role, where Product fits within the organisation, what skills product managers need to be successful, and more. Watch the session in full or read on for the top 5 highlights.

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I really do believe that a lot of people think that somehow all they need to do is become the CPO and suddenly, it’ll be like Steve Jobs laying out vision, approving visions and sitting down with Johnny Ive. Dave Wascha

How Real Product Teams Make OKRs Work

Through speaking to practising product managers, we’ve learned that the use of OKRs is still relatively undeveloped in may businesses. Here we share these finding and more, including a video or a panel discussion about the findings at #mtpcon.

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Hiring and Developing Product Managers

In this exclusive MTP Leader Panel, Kate Leto, Petra Wille and Saielle DaSilva join Emily Tate to share their thoughts on hiring and developing product managers.

When I look at the job descriptions now, they just they get under my skin and they make my tummy kind of like tense because they’re the same types of job descriptions that I applied to, honestly, about 20 years ago, nothing’s changed. Kate Leto

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Coming up in December

There’s plenty going on in December and we don’t want you to miss a thing. For upcoming events visit your dashboard:

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