Our new video library is live!

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Exciting news – we’ve launched our new video library! As we promised back in March when we announced our brand refresh, we’re continually making it easier  for you to access our trove of amazing content on Mind the Product.

Our library includes over 1,000 videos, including talks from product wizards like Marty Cagan and Tim Herbig and emerging product voices like Marily Nika. We’ve got virtually any topic covered, from product management fundamentals like OKRs and roadmapping to topics like driving AI adoption and career progression. We needed to make it easy to search for what you’re looking for, while helping you discover content and perspectives to support your growth as a product person or your team’s initiatives. 

Let’s dive into the specifics:

You can now watch all of the most inspiring keynote videos from our #mtpcon events, browse videos from ProductTanks around the world, and listen and watch The Product Experience Podcast,  now available in both audio and video format. 

You can explore featured videos and category collections on the video homepage, as highlighted by the editorial team at Mind the Product

You’ll now be offered suggestions and recommendations on what videos to watch next, and enjoy our new ‘theatre’ experience (No time to watch? Our quality editorial overviews of the video content remain just a short scroll down)

You can now find all of the content around a tag or category in one place, from the full library of Pendomonium + #mtpcon videos to any topic that you'd like to learn more about, such as our AI & ML collection.

Along with today’s update, we thought it would be timely to look back at some favourite talks from the product community: 

Explore the video library here and let us know your thoughts! Your feedback is invaluable, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions by emailing editor@mindtheproduct.com with the subject line ‘MTP video library feedback’. 

We will continue supporting the product community and aim to make an even bigger difference to the world of product both now and in the future. Thank you for your support along the way.