Where does product management fit in an organization today? In this ProductTank London talk, Prag Patel, Head of Product at And Digital speaks about his experience helping clients to adopt a product management strategy and the lessons learned along the way.
Watch the video to see Prag’s talk. Or read on to get an overview of his key points:
- Expectations of a product manager
- Where should product management sit
- Establishing product management in a business
Expectations of a Product Manager
A product manager is likely to have a number of requirements bestowed upon them. First and foremost, they need to be able to build the right product. However, building the right product is an oversimplification of the product manager role. A good product manager must be able to create value for the organization. They must be trusted to spend the money they are given for a project properly to be able to generate income and profit.
Where Should Product Management Sit
Prag draws on the example of one of his clients as he explains where product management should sit in an organization. He says that it should be aligned with the business, however, recognises that this can be difficult in certain businesses because of their maturity and the challenges in adopting product management capability. As a result, it may take a few steps to establish product management in an organization.
The role itself fits between marketing and technology. It’s bigger than just a digital product, it involves time and money as well. In the case of the client that wanted to change, they needed to assess the skills and capabilities required to establish product management in the organization.
Establishing Product Management in a Business
Devolving product management in an organization requires training, establishing the right skills, working in groups and following specific templates. The key takeaway from Prag’s talk remains that establishing product management in a business that currently lacks it will take time.
Executives needed to be educated about the benefits and then they need to buy-in once they are educated. After that, it requires the set up of the necessary tools. However, getting the initial buy-in is the hard part.