Sunday Rewind: AARRR vs RARRA: Pirate metrics explained

In this week's Sunday Rewind, Ben Crouch explains what pirate metrics are with examples to show whether they lead to buried treasure

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Ben Crouch explains what pirate metrics are and takes us through some examples to see whether they lead to buried treasure in this week’s Sunday Rewind post from 2020.

AARRR is an acronym that describes five stages a person goes through on the path to becoming a paying customer:

RARRA is the AARRR model tweaked and updated:

The model you choose depends on the stage of your business, your industry, and your business goals, says Ben. He then runs through the leading indicators your business should look out for when thinking about adopting either model, and when to change that model at a time that will create business growth. He emphasises that you need to constantly be aware of your business performance and on the lookout for any shifts — small or large — within your product, your customers, industry, or market in order to implement the right strategies at the right time. He concludes: “You can use a framework like pirate metrics to help, but ultimately, you need to tailor your growth strategy to where your business is at and the outcomes you’re striving to achieve.”

Read the full article here: AARRR vs RARRA: Pirate metrics explained