The HiPPO — the “Highest Paid Person’s Opinion”. Over the years, we’ve published content about these creatures — how to train your HiPPO, how to manage your HiPPO — and across the wider web, you’ll find endless posts coming at the topic from the same angle. It’s never particularly positive. For that reason, we’re winding back to 2017 and the words of James Gadsby Peet, the Director of Digital at William Joseph and a ProductTank London organiser.
In Remember HiPPOs are humans too… James encourages us to think about HiPPOs in a different way, reminding us that one day we might be the highest-paid person in the room. James’ post suggests we think about the reasons why a HiPPO behaves the way they do and what we, and our wider team, can do to alleviate those all too common points of tension.
Read Remember HiPPOs are humans too… and discover more from our Sunday Rewind content series.
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