Sunday Rewind: Show your true innovative colours by Julia Shalet

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This week’s Sunday Rewind is a ProductTank Heidelberg talk from Product Doctor managing director Julia Shalet on the attributes of an innovative product manager and how to gauge if you’re being innovative.

Julia says an innovative product manager is curious and focused on people and empathy. SHe says you should look at how much time is spent on core business, adjacent business areas and transformational business areas, and have a clear strategy on where the business puts its resources. You should also look at how many hypotheses you’re testing and ask when you last pivoted based on evidence.

Julia says you don’t assume you know what people think or how they feel and writing a hypothesis statement is very helpful to prevent overthinking the problems. This statement should be a “we believe” statement that includes your commercial goal, the value to beneficiaries and the action you need them to take.

After you’ve written a hypothesis you should identify the biggest risks and question customers and/or users. This means you can gather data and to make decisions about an idea based on evidence. It’s important to stay neutral and be objective, says Julia, and to test out ideas before you make any investment.

Watch the original talk: Show your true innovative colours by Julia Shalet