Product Design
MAY 19, 2014

Video: Thingdom Come

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Cheap sensors are readily available, data is easy to gather, analyse and visualise, and there are people and companies interested, and cash available for experimentation. However, in this age of Internet of Things, the combinations of sensors, hardware, software and data being created are still relatively simplistic.

At ProductTank April, Patrick Bergel, Founder and CEO of Animal Systems, talked about how current implementations of connected devices aren’t addressing pressing human needs just yet, and discussed how IoT might come of age as the general population ages and solutions to tackle dementia, isolation and blindness come into play.

Up next

What good product design looks like – Miguel Fernandez (VP of Product Design, Slack)


10x Product X Design: Product and research team collaboration by Jane Austin


Learnings from London: What is it like to hold Google in your hand?


Learnings from London: How to build a billion dollar app


Product Systems: How to manufacture lightning in a bottle by Oji Udezue


Product management meets UX design by Tanmay Goel, Emi Kwon, Simran Kaur


Designing a sustainable future by Leyla Acaroglu


Making Hard Product Decisions for All the Right Reasons


Product Vision 2020


The Importance of Empathy, By Jack Sheppard



Learnings from London: How to build a billion dollar app


10x Product X Design: Product and research team collaboration by Jane Austin

What good product design looks like – Miguel Fernandez (VP of Product Design, Slack)


Product Systems: How to manufacture lightning in a bottle by Oji Udezue