#mtpcon London returned to the Barbican centre this year, and boy were we excited to be back. Dive into our key takeaways from product leaders like Ebi Atawodi, Matt LeMay, and Leah Tharin, alongside fresh perspectives from rising stars like Rebecca Mortimer, Nadine Matthews, and more!
The Problem: Knowledge lost in the noise Every organisation accumulates a vast trove of knowledge over time, distributed across tools like Google Drive, Miro, Notion, and Slack. But how often do team members waste hours searching for this knowledge or recreating it from scratch? This isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it’s a productivity drain and
Video library
Product Management, a Risky Business by Lucie McLean
How to Build new Products in Digital Media by Ana Jakimovska
Video: BBC News Responsive Design Strategy
Video : BBC Homepage Redesign
Video : Strategic Product Management Panel
Video : BBC Connected Devices
Video: panel on product management in media
Video : BBC News Redesign