Mind the Product has launched a new training workshop for product managers on mapping.
I meet a lot of product people – product managers, product owners, agile coaches, scrum masters, business analysts, project managers – and I’ve learned that there are a couple of constants, whatever the title or role. Namely that each of these roles performs an ever-evolving mix of tasks and that most product people want to understand how to progress.
Why Learn to Map?
Any product manager needs to learn how to progress from the more granular task of continuous prioritization of a single backlog to the ability to assess and prioritize value and need across entire systems. For this reason Mind the Product Training has recently produced a workshop called Mapping to Solve Product Problems. What makes it different is that we teach you how to think about everything around you as a system, so you can map ANYTHING, rather than just know how to create a single type of map.
Understanding this process is often the first step product managers take to transition from focusing only on their product team to recognizing that everything they do is just a small part of an ecosystem built from overlapping systems.
There’s a progression from seeing there is a problem with your customer, to seeing there is a problem with your team’s reporting practices, and then to understanding how your organization’s decisions get made. And these are all things that a senior product manager needs to understand if they want to move up the career ladder. You can’t build a great product roadmap without the ability to map customer pain points and opportunities to your company’s business goals, and then trickle that down into epics. Any process, document, report or roadmap is built by mapping data points to decisions.
What you’ll learn
Our mapping workshop takes a look at the process of mapping from a high level. It deconstructs the elements of a map, and helps you learn how to evaluate what you need to map, how to choose a mapping framework, how to think about when to map, and the process needed to get the right data to fill out your map. When you leave the workshop you will understand that you can map anything, and you can map it in a way that gives you clarity on what to do to fix your problem or tap into value.
If you can’t start solving BIG problems for your customer, your team and your organization, then you can’t graduate up the ladder to leadership. This is why we believe that mapping is one of the most important skills for product managers to master from the beginning of their careers.
To learn more, head to our Mapping to Solve Product Problems page.
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